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AltairStrickland ASME PCC-1 Training Day
AltairStrickland employees focus intently in an instructor-led classroom session at the AltairStrickland ASME PCC-1 Training Day.
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AltairStrickland employees prepare for hands on training with the assembly fixture at the AltairStrickland ASME PCC-1 Training Day.
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AltairStrickland employees use the concept of training the trainer to be able to learn and teach how to safely and effectively work with the pressure boundary bolted flange joint assembly.
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AltairStrickland employees get hands-on experience with the assembly fixture at the AltairStrickland ASME PCC-1 Training Day.
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AltairStrickland employees use the Hytorc-provided tooling to work with the assembly fixture at the AltairStrickland ASME PCC-1 Training Day.
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AltairStrickland employees work hands on with the assembly fixture at the AltairStrickland ASME PCC-1 Training Day.