Envirotech Drilling Services was started by Jaime Vasquez and his partner, David Draybuck, in 2011 after they met on a project the same year.
The company’s excellent track record led to new opportunities to service its clients, which resulted in Envirotech Environmental Services being created in 2015. Vasquez’ and Draybuck’s backgrounds in the drilling industry were key to the creation and success of Envirotech Drilling/Environmental Services.
The son of Mexican immigrants, Vasquez was born and raised in Houston and later attended a private high school. He began working for Houston’s Gallery Furniture at the age of 15. When Vasquez was 18, a friend referred him to Alpine Field Services, an environmental drilling company. He was a driller’s assistant for 18 months before being promoted to driller. Vasquez remained in that position for five years, working his way up to lead driller.
A typical day for Vasquez involves checking in with the operations managers and project managers and following up with office personnel before he even arrives in the office. Once in the office, he executes his most important daily tasks (MITs), reviews his schedule, responds to emails and meets with Draybuck and department heads about any outstanding or future tasks.
Some of the skills and traits utilized in his position include management and communication skills, field experience, patience and a sense of humor.
“It is satisfying to continuously teach and help employees exceed at their job and themselves personally,” Vasquez said. “I am a firm believer in personal growth and not only helping myself, but our employees.” The team meets weekly not only to discuss business, but also topics such as nurturing healthy habits, maintaining a positive attitude, co-worker relationships, effective goal setting and health and wellness.
“I live by the golden rule: treat others the way I would like to be treated,” Vasquez said.
In terms of mentors, the CEO said that he has three of them: “One is a life-long friend, another I met in the industry 20 years ago; the third, and most important, is God.”
Vasquez advises up-and-coming business executives to take the time to createa foundation in the business that will not crack: always take care of your people. He added that he’s gained an understanding on the virtue of patience. “Shut up and listen,” he said.
The biggest news at Envirotech is what Vasquez calls the “rebranding and rebirth of the company, with fresh ideas and new teams.” In 2022, the company had great success in increasing its brand recognition and also brought several talented team members on board.
Vasquez is moving the company toward an employee-owned and operated arrangement. This is the primary thing he wants to achieve for his company, and intends for it be a big part of his legacy.
In terms of where Vasquez sees the company in the next 5-10 years, he said it involves Envirotech being a fully established, wellknown name in the industry for both environmental and drilling.
Vasquez said that in addition to being a one-stop shop, Envirotech stands out because its drilling company foresees upcoming projects for the environmental company, “which puts us on top in terms of companies doing drilling/environmental work.”
Another thing that makes Envirotech stand out in the market is “having a great second-home environment at the office. We play hard after we work hard, which makes our employees enjoy what they do even more.”
The biggest current challenge in the industry is the economy, added Vasquez.
For more information, visit envirotechservices.com or call (713) 805-0440.