EPA is moving swiftly to propose how it will prioritize and evaluate chemicals, given the final processes must be in place within the first year of the new law's enactment.
EPA is proposing three rules to help administer the new process. They are:
- Inventory Rule. There are currently over 85,000 chemicals on EPA's inventory, and many of these are no longer actively produced. The rule will require manufacturers, including importers, to notify EPA and the public on the number of chemicals still being produced.
- Prioritization Rule. This will establish how EPA will prioritize chemicals for evaluation. EPA will use a risk-based screening process and criteria to identify whether a particular chemical is either high or low priority. A chemical designated as high priority must undergo evaluation.
- Risk Evaluation Rule. This will establish how EPA will evaluate the risk of existing chemicals. The agency will identify steps for the risk evaluation process, including publishing the scope of the assessment. Chemical hazards and exposures will be assessed, along with characterizing and determining risks.
For more information, visit www.epa. gov or call (202) 564-4700.