Title: Eliminate downtime in maintenance and increase safety and efficiency
Original Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2023
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Imagine safe isolations whenever you want or when your process demands, with no forced outage and left as found. Traditional methods for isolation do prevent shutdowns but with increased safety concerns and added connections. New patented isolation tools solve this problem simpler, safer and smarter.
In this webinar, you will learn how this field-proven technology significantly reduces maintenance time for drainage, venting, repairing, purging and flushing, which also allows you to reduce your carbon footprint.
Our presenters will show you how the patented AOGV Mechanical Isolation Tool from Izomax can successfully keep your process running, shorten your turnaround and maintenance schedule, keep you in control of your process, and save you millions in time and money.
Mike McCue, U.S. Sales & Operations Manager, Izomax
Kristoffer Helliesen Ueland, Project Manager and Engineer, Izomax
Sponsored by Izomax, powered by IK-Group
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