Title: Reality-capture for improving onsite industrial projects
Original Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Discover how to capture real-world conditions in an industrial facility, and how to conduct design and engineering work with this newfound rich data. Reality capture and laser scanning data details the as-built conditions of the jobsite, and with additional backend tools, you can use this data to take measurements, plan for turnaround, maintenance and engineering jobs.
This webinar will also explore some of the newest technologies that streamline the scanning/data capture process with tools like mobile scanners, web viewers, and more.
Insights gathered from this session will allow you to:
- Gain key takeaways on how Reality Capture can be used in industrial facilities
- Learn ways to improve your engineering, design and planning using Reality Capture
- Explore various web-viewer tools to virtually walk through the jobsite
- Examine how to measure, tag and annotate using web-viewer tools
Register today to learn from longtime industry expert, John Tav, as he shares knowledge on solving today’s technological challenges in industrial facilities.
Sponsored by: Engineering & Inspection Services
Presented by: BIC Magazine