HOUSTON — VERSA Integrity Group recently expanded its facilities to service clients in the Houston market. The new building is a 17,500-square-foot office and shop located at 4680 S. Sam Houston Parkway East just off Beltway 8.
The VERSA Integrity Houston operation supports the high-tech NDE operations for VERSA, as well as rope access and conventional NDE services such as radiographic testing and inspector staffing. The high-tech services include: phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT), automated ultrasonics corrosion mapping, C-scan, eddy-current, guided-wave UT (GWUT), internal rotary inspection system (IRIS), PAUT-time on flight diffraction (PAUT-TOFD) and specialty services that support VERSA’s 300 inspectors, technicians and engineers.
VERSA Integrity was formed by way of merger with Savoy Technical Services and Owensby & Kritikos.
For more information, visit www.versaintegrity.com, email Houston@versaintegrity.com or call (832) 433-7942.